江汉大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2015, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (3): 229-233.

• 材料科学与机械工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


张彦文a, 许竹桃aab   

  1. 武汉钢铁公司 a. 武钢研究院;b. 武钢质检中心,湖北 武汉 430080
  • 出版日期:2015-06-28 发布日期:2015-07-02
  • 作者简介:张彦文 (1972—) , 男, 教授级高工, 博士, 研究方向: 金属材料失效分析。

Fracture Analysis of Reel Asteroid Gear

ZHANG Yanwena, XU Zhutaoaab   

  1. a. Research and Development Center;b. Quality Inspection Center,Wuhan Iron and Steel Company,Wuhan 430080, Hubei, China
  • Online:2015-06-28 Published:2015-07-02

摘要: 卷筒小行星齿轮在运转中发生异常断齿。为了查明断裂原因, 运用宏观及微观分析方法, 对断裂齿轮进行了分析。结果表明: 齿轮断裂为多源疲劳断裂, 且多数未断齿根部位亦发现裂纹; 齿轮基材存在贝氏体及铁素体组织, 说明淬火时冷却速度不足; 表面淬火也不均匀。这些工艺问题导致齿轮综合机械性能下降。在循环工作应力及应力集中作用下, 齿根部位产生多处疲劳裂纹源, 并不断扩展, 最终导致齿轮断裂失效。

关键词: 疲劳断裂, 淬火, 贝氏体, 淬硬层

Abstract: A tooth of reel asteroid gear fractured abnormally during operation. In order to find out how it occurred,fracture of the gear were analysed by macroscopical observation and microscopical examination. The results showed that the gear failure was multiple origins fatigue fracture,and cracks were also found at the dedendum of most other teeth of the gear. There were bainite and ferrite in gear base material,which showed the quenching cooling rate was too slow. Surface quenching was uneven. All of these problems lead to the decrease of the gear comprehensive mechanical properties. Some fatigue crack origins occured at the dedendum of teeth under the circulation work stress and stress concentration and the cracks expanded, finally caused the gear fracture.

Key words: fatigue fracture, quench, bainite, hardening zone
