江汉大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2022, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (2): 90-96.doi: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2022.02.013

• 农业科学 • 上一篇    

不同甜玉米品系籽粒的感官品质及主要TPA 特性


  1. 安徽科技学院 农学院,安徽 凤阳 233100
  • 发布日期:2022-03-28
  • 通讯作者: 程昕昕
  • 作者简介:蒋皖倩(1997— ),女,硕士生,研究方向:甜玉米遗传育种。
  • 基金资助:

Sensory Quality and Main TPA Characteristics of Different Sweet Corn Strains

JIANG Wanqian,FANG Hao,XU Yunlin,CHENG Xinxin*,ZHOU Yi,YU Haibing   

  1. College of Agriculture,Anhui Science and Technology University,Fengyang 233100,Anhui,China
  • Published:2022-03-28
  • Contact: CHENG Xinxin

摘要: 为了探讨甜玉米食用的品质特征,测试了6 个不同甜玉米品系籽粒外观品质、感官品质及TPA 物性特征值。结果表明:6 个甜玉米品系籽粒在外观品质、质构特性、感观品质等方面均存在差异,其中领袖甜1 号感官评价得分最高为90. 18 分,且鲜籽粒内聚性和咀嚼性最大,蒸煮品质中的粘力、弹性、弹性指数等表现突出;但同一品系的甜玉米新鲜籽粒和蒸煮品质存在明显差异;相关性分析表明6 个新鲜甜玉米品系籽粒粘力与弹性指数呈现显著负相关,蒸煮品质中的弹性指数与弹性呈现显著正相关;主成分分析得出粘力是决定甜玉米籽粒品质的第一主成分。

关键词: 甜玉米, 感官品质, 主成分分析, TPA 特性

Abstract: In order to explore the quality characteristics of edible sweet corn,this study analyzed six sweet corn strains′ grain appearance quality, sensory quality, and TPA characteristic value. The results showed differences in grain appearance, texture, and sensory quality among the six sweet corn strains. The sensory evaluation score of Leader Sweet No. 1 was the highest(90. 18),and the cohesiveness and chewiness of fresh grains were the highest. The viscosity,elasticity,and elasticity index of cooking quality were outstanding. However,there were significant differences in sweet corn′s fresh kernel and cooking quality in the same strain. Correlation analysis showed a significant negative correlation between grain viscosity and elasticity index,and a significant positive correlation between cooking quality elasticity index and elasticity of six fresh sweet corn strains. Principal component analysis showed that viscosity was the first principal component to determine the quality of sweet corn kernel.

Key words: sweet corn, sensory quality, principal component analysis, TPA Characteristics
