JOURNAL OF JIANGHAN UNIVERSITY (Social Science Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 50-57.doi: 10.16387/j.cnki.42-1867/c.2023.05.005

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The Core Value of Chinese Family Country Cultre and Its Significance in the New Era

LIN Yanhu   

  • Received:2023-06-05 Online:2023-10-28 Published:2025-01-06

Abstract: Culture is the product of human practice. People in different“families”have produced their own “family cultures” in daily life, and the innumerable “family cultures,” in the process of mutual communication,exchange,and blending,have shaped a“country culture.”The core of China’sfamily country culture,with a unique form,constitutes the key value of the Chinese civilization. The core value of acountry’sfamily country culture is never an isolated being;in a certain era,the core value of a family country culture must be subject to the comprehensive influence of the economic,political,environmental,and other factors of the era. As the socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era,China’s economy,politics,environment,and other aspects have developed,so,the Chinese family country culture and its core value have also undergone certain changes accordingly. They exhibit the new connotation and new value of the new era and have become an important new culture of the new era. In the new era,how to further inherit and carry forward the core value of Chinese family country culture isessentially a big problem of how to cultivate people,which is the cause of the whole society and needs the close cooperation of society,school,and family to carry on together. The society should deepen the understanding,the school should respond actively,and the family should play a key role.

Key words: China’sfamily country culture;core value;connotation of the new era;new culture; significance of the new era

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