JOURNAL OF JIANGHAN UNIVERSITY (Social Science Edition) ›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 29-33.

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Countermeasure Research about Spiritual Help in Coal Mine Emergency——Taking Zhijiadian and Nanze coal mines
in Zhongyang county of Shanxi as examples

WANG Jian-bin   

  1. College of Political and Social Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, 400047, China
  • Received:2010-07-01 Online:2011-02-12 Published:2013-12-31

Abstract: The occurrence of emergency results from the irresistible natural cause and anthropogenic factor. The consequence is not only leading to serious economic damage to the society, but also making serious psychological harm to the miners, their relations, rescuing people and the public. Thus, the project of spiritual help system for emergency of coal mines should be established. Besides guarantee of law and regulation, fund and persons for the system, we can adopt various rescuing methods and try our best to minimize the spiritual harm by the emergency, so as to promote the harmonious development of the society.

Key words: coal mine emergency, emergency obstacles, spiritual help systematic project

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