江汉大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 27-35.doi: 10.16387/j.cnki.42-1867/c.2024.05.003

• 人工智能与社会发展研究专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈 欣   

  1. 西南大学 马克思主义学院,重庆 400715
  • 收稿日期:2024-06-25 出版日期:2024-10-28 发布日期:2025-01-03
  • 作者简介:陈 欣,女,西南大学马克思主义学院博士研究生。
  • 基金资助:
    国家社科基金青年项目“治边稳藏视野下西藏高校大学生中华民族共同体意识培育路径研究”(20CKS015);教育部高校思想政治理论课教师研究专项课题“新疆南疆高校思政课本土教学资源开发与利用研究” (20JDSZK049)

Risks and Countermeasures of AI Development from the Perspective of Human Liberation

CHEN Xin   

  1. School of Marxism,Southwest University,Chongqing,400715
  • Received:2024-06-25 Online:2024-10-28 Published:2025-01-03

摘要: 人工智能作为人类智能的技术成果,对推动人类解放具有较强的驱动作用。为了早日实现人类解放,需要正视人工智能给人类自然解放、社会解放和自我解放带来的发展契机与风险,其中,人工智能通过构建人与自然和谐发展的环境、丰富人类社会关系及充盈人类精神生活,提升了人类能认识世界、改变世界的能力。然而,当人工智能技术在自然界与社会环境中使用时,也会给人类解放带来风险,如破坏生态环境、疏离人的社会关系、引发人的精神危机。这就需要人类从自然层面,树立“人与自然和谐共生”的人工智能发展理念、加强人工智能减少对生态环境的破坏及提升人工智能在生态治理中的效能;社会层面,明确人工智能设计原则、加强社会对人工智能的监管及完善社会保障制度;自我层面,坚持人是实践主体原则、强化人的道德主体地位及提升人的文化素养,以找出应对策略,从而不断为人类解放提供动力。

关键词: 人工智能;人类解放;发展契机;人的自由全面发展;人的本质

Abstract: As a technological achievement of human intelligence,artificial intelligence has a strong driving role to play in promoting human liberation. In order to realize human liberation as soon as possible,it is necessary to face up to the development opportunities and risks brought by artificial intelligence to human nature, social and self-liberation. However, when artificial intelligence technology is overused in the natural world and social environment,it will also bring certain risks to human liberation, such as destroying the ecological environment, alienating people‘ssocial relations,and triggering people’sspiritual crisis. This requires human beings to establish the concept of artificial intelligence development of“harmonious coexistence between human and nature” from the natural level,strengthen artificial intelligence to reduce the damage to the ecological environment,and improve the efficiency of artificial intelligence in ecological governance. At the social level,we should clarify the principles of AI design,strengthen social supervision of AI,and improve the social security system;At the personal level,we should adhere to the principle that human is the main body of practice,strengthen the moral subject status of human beings,improve human cultural literacy,and find out coping strategies to continuously provide impetus for human liberation.

Key words: artificial intelligence; human liberation; development opportunities; the full development of human freedom;the essence of human
