江汉大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 59-62.

• 经济学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 江汉大学 政法学院, 湖北 武汉 430056
  • 收稿日期:2010-08-31 出版日期:2011-02-12 发布日期:2013-12-31
  • 作者简介:刘海萍(1976-), 女, 湖北石首人, 江汉大学政法学院讲师, 硕士, 主要从事公务员管理、政府绩效评估研究。

Accountability and sociality: Salary Demand of the Government Talents

LIU Hai-ping   

  1. School of Political Science and Law, Jianghan University, Wuhan 430056, Hubei, China
  • Received:2010-08-31 Online:2011-02-12 Published:2013-12-31

摘要: 人才工作是政府人力资源管理中的重中之重, 而合理的人才工资制度能为吸引和保留人才提供坚实的保障。政府因其管理性和服务性的两重性特点, 其针对人才制定的工资也体现不同的要求, 即政府人才工资应具备绩效性和社会性。政府在制定人才工资的过程中, 可通过岗位评价和参照市场工资率等方式, 平衡绩效性工资与社会性工资, 以求达到二者的有机统一。

关键词: 政府人才, 工资, 绩效性, 社会性

Abstract: The work about talents is of great importance in the government personnel resource management, and the reasonable salary system for the talents will provide the sound guarantee for attracting and retaining talents. Because of government’s duality of manageability and serviceability, the salary system made out by the government will also show the differences in demand, i. e. the salary of the government talents should be with accountability and sociality. In the process of making out the salary for the talents, the government can make the balance between accountability salary and sociality salary by the way of post assessment and consulting market salary so as to the systematical unity of the two.

Key words: government talents, salary, accountability, sociality
