江汉大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 5-13.doi: 10.16387/j.cnki.42-1867/c.2023.05.001

• 法学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 华东政法大学 马克思主义学院,上海 201620
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-07 出版日期:2023-10-28 发布日期:2025-01-06
  • 作者简介:庞仕平,男,华东政法大学马克思主义学院研究员
  • 基金资助:
    2022 年上海市教育科学研究项目“加强教育系统党的政治建设研究”

Study on Disciplinary Offence of Implicated Relationship

PANG Shiping   

  • Received:2023-06-07 Online:2023-10-28 Published:2025-01-06

摘要: 在党纪范畴,客观存在着大量具有牵连关系的违纪行为,但《党纪处分条例》对此没有规定。牵连关系的违纪行为具有存在数个违纪行为、构成不同的错误、数个违纪行为之间存在牵连关系三个特征。认定牵连关系,应当坚持牵连意图与因果关系相统一。牵连关系存在手段行为与目的行为的牵连形态、原因行为与结果行为的牵连形态、兼具这两种牵连关系的复杂牵连形态三种形态。处理具有牵连关系的违纪行为与具有想象竞合、情节加重关系的违纪行为有区别,应当采取吸收原则,实行“从一重(处分)处断”,有特别规定的,适用特别规定;某一违纪行为属于违法犯罪型违纪且在《党纪处分条例》分则中没有特别规定的,数错并处。

关键词: 违纪行为;牵连关系;纪律认定;纪律处理

Abstract: Alarge number of disciplinary offence of implicated relations exist according to the CPC discipline,yet punishments for those offence are not regulated in the Regulations for CPC Disciplinary Punishment. One prohibited behavior may involve several disciplinary offence;one prohibited behavior may commit different types of disciplinary offence;and there may be implicated relations between several disciplinary offence. Due to the three features,the identification of implicated relationship should uphold the unification of implicated intent and causality. There are three types of implicated relationship:an implicated relationship between means and end acts;an implicated relationship between cause and effect acts;and a complex implicated relationship that involves both the above two types. Handling disciplinary offence of implicated relations should differ from handling disciplinary offence of imaginative joinder of offenses and that of aggravating circumstances. The absorption principle should be adopted,following the terms of“convicted and punished in accordance with the heavier provision,”the terms of“convicted and punished in accordance with the special clause,”or the terms of“joinder of punishments for plural crimes”if a disciplinary offence is illegal and criminal and is not specified in the Regulations for CPC Disciplinary Punishment.

Key words: disciplinary offence;implicated relationship;disciplinary identification;disciplinary treatment
