江汉学术 ›› 2017, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 21-29.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2017.05.003

• 社会学 经济 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中南财经政法大学 工商管理学院,武汉 430073
  • 收稿日期:2017-05-21 修回日期:2017-05-21 出版日期:2017-10-15 发布日期:2017-09-22
  • 作者简介:汪海粟,男,湖北武汉人,中南财经政法大学工商管理学院教授,博士生导师;曾维新,男,湖南永州人,中南财经政法大学工商管理学院博士生。

A Study of the Burdens on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Context of Tax Reduction

WANG Haisu,ZENG Weixin   

  1. School of Business and Management,Zhongnan University of Finance and Law,Wuhan 430073
  • Received:2017-05-21 Revised:2017-05-21 Online:2017-10-15 Published:2017-09-22

摘要: 中小企业是我国经济主体的重要组成部分,在促进 GDP 发展、保障税收收入及增加就业岗位等方面贡献巨大,因此其持续健康的发展对我国经济结构调整和应对经济增速下行意义重大。为支持中小企业发展,政府逐步改革税制,实施结构性减税、“营改增”等系列降税减负措施,但实践表明中小企业实质税费负担不降反升,主要表现在:一是中小企业需缴纳的税收项目仍然种类繁多;二是非税费用负担未得到实质性缓解。主要原因有:一是税制改革存在减税和增税双重效应,增税效应抵消了减税效应带来的社会感知;二是税收对冲了部分优惠政策扶持效果,导致政策落地时效果不佳;三是非税负担减免存在结构和力度双重不足,从而未能实质性缓解企业非税负担。从完善税制改革、优化政府税收行为和降低企业非税负担方面可提出切实降低中小企业税费负担的建议。

关键词: 中小企业, 降税, 税费负担, 双重效应

Abstract: Small and medium-sized enterprises,an important part of China’s economy,contribute greatly to the GDP growth,tax revenue securement,and employment increase,and,therefore,their sustained and healthy development is of great significance to the country’s economic restructuring and response to the decreasing economic growth rate. To support these enterprises,the government has taken steps to reform taxation,implement structural tax cuts,and replace business tax with value-added tax,but these measures do not seem to let them feel relieved from the burdens. On the contrary,they feel there are still too many items of taxes and non-tax expenses are not substantially reduced. This is because:1. the taxation reform has both tax reduction and tax increase effects and the increase effect offsets the perception that the reduction effect brings about;2. tax collection has diluted the effect of some preferential policies,leading to an unsatisfactory implementation of the policies;3. the non-tax expense reduction and exemption are not encouraging enough to substantially relieve the burdens of the enterprises. This paper puts forward some proposals for taxation reform,government taxation optimization,and reduction of non-tax expenses of enterprises.

Key words: small and medium-sized enterprises, tax reduction, tax burdan, double effects
