江汉学术 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 91-106.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2019.04.010

• 教育部名栏_现当代诗学研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


米家路(文)1,赵 凡(译)2   

  1. 1美国新泽西学院 英文及世界语言文化系,新泽西 幽茵 08628;2云南艺术学院 文华学院,昆明 650102
  • 收稿日期:2019-03-27 出版日期:2019-08-15 发布日期:2019-07-11
  • 作者简介:米家路,男,重庆人,美国新泽西学院英文及世界语言文化系副教授,中文及亚洲研究学部主任,博士;译者简介:赵 凡,男,云南昆明人,云南艺术学院文华学院教师。

The Turbulent Decadence:Somatic Pathology and Infernal Cave in Li Jinfa’s Poetry

MI Jialu1,translated by ZHAO Fan2   

  1. 1Department of English and World Languages and Cultures,The College of New Jersey,Ewing,NJ 08628;2Wenhua College of Yunnan Arts University,Kunming 650102
  • Received:2019-03-27 Online:2019-08-15 Published:2019-07-11

摘要: 鉴于李金发最主要的三部诗集于 1920 年至 1924 年在巴黎和柏林创作完成,因此与其研究李金发与他同时代中国诗人的互动关系,还不如将他的诗作置于欧洲现代主义诗歌与现代性思潮的语境中予以考察。在波德莱尔所开创的反启蒙与反田园的现代主义诗学影响下,李金发诗作中出现了一种强烈的力比多能量的经济危机,具现为身体的器官正处于一种退化、腐坏与堕落的残缺状态,进而造成了意志缺乏、衰弱、怠惰与倦滞的萎靡颓废精神世界,由此便创生出一种黑暗、嗜睡、寒冷、潮湿与泥泞的反照亮/启迪叙述。这种新叙述转向了现代性的反面美学空间,在波德莱尔式的洞穴或深渊中,发掘现代生活中被压抑的恶魔激情、梦境与神秘的英雄意志,旨在对宏大启蒙叙述与现代性进步神话提出质疑与批判。

关键词: 李金发, 波德莱尔, 身体叙述, 审美现代性, 现代主义诗学, 象征主义诗歌

Abstract: Considering the fact that Li Jinfa’s three major poetry works were written during the years of 1920 and 1924 in Paris and Berlin respectively,instead of studying Li Jinfa’s interactions with his Chinese contemporary poets,it would be more fruitful to examine his poetry in the context of European modernism and discursive streams of modernity. Under the influence of Baudelairean poetics of counterenlightenment and anti-pastoral modernism,there emerged a terrible crisis of économie libidinale born out of the physical exhaustion paralleled with the spiritual lassitude rampant in Li Jinfa’s poetry. The satanic passions against illumination constitute a return to the cave of darkness,sleep,coldness,humidity,and muddiness. This negative aesthetical poetics of modernity means to question and challenge the grand narrative of modernity and the myth of progress.

Key words: Li Jinfa, body narrative, aesthetic modernity, anti-illumination, cave view
