江汉学术 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 5-19.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2023.06.001

• 法律专栏_法治中国建设的新视域与新话语 • 上一篇    



  1. 中央民族大学 法学院,北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-05 出版日期:2023-12-15 发布日期:2023-12-21
  • 作者简介:黄陈辰,男,湖北宜昌人,中央民族大学法学院师资博士后,E-mail:592712007@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:

Criminal Law Regulation and Reasonable Boundary of APP Infringement of Personal Information

HUANG Chenchen   

  1. Law School,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081
  • Received:2023-10-05 Online:2023-12-15 Published:2023-12-21

摘要: APP所具有的天然属性——相悖的二元功能面向,使得个人信息保护与利用之间的博弈更加明显,因此应寻求二者之间的平衡。未经用户同意的恶意APP与越权APP,在满足其他要件的情况下,容易构成侵犯公民个人信息罪。格式化授权与提供非民生所必需之服务的“非允即退”式授权不影响用户同意之效力;提供民生所必需之服务的“非允即退”式授权足以压制用户意思自由,同意无效。在同意被撤回之后,APP运营商拒不停止处理信息的行为属于“未经授权”的情形,广义的“获取”包括初始取得信息的动作与之后的持有行为。因此,APP运营商拒绝用户的删除申请、继续持有信息的行为属于“非法获取”。为避免犯罪评价半径过于扩张与刑事制裁措施过度使用,在强调适用侵犯公民个人信息罪的同时还应关注出罪化事由,主要包括处理匿名化信息、用户知情同意、处理公开信息、维护公共利益等。

关键词: APP, 侵犯公民个人信息罪, 知情同意, 个人信息保护, 非法获取, 刑法规制

Abstract: The natural attribute of APP,with opposing dual functional orientations,makes the game of personal information protection and utilization ever more obvious. Therefore,a balance between them should be maintained. Malicious APPs and unauthorized APPs,without users’consent and in the case of meeting other requirements,constitute the crime of infringing citizens’personal information. Formatted authorization and the“either you accept or you leave”type of authorization to provide services that are not essential to people’s livelihood do not affect the validity of users’consent;the“either you accept or you leave”type of authorization to provide services that are not essential to people’s livelihood is enough to suppress users’freedom of will,and the consent is invalid. After the consent is withdrawn,the APP operator’s refusal to stop processing information is an“unauthorized”situation;the broad sense of “acquisition”includes the initial action of obtaining information and the subsequent behavior of holding it.Hence,the APP operator’s behavior of refusing users’deletion application and continuing to hold information is“illegal acquisition.”In order to avoid the excessive expansion of the radius of criminal evaluation and the excessive use of criminal sanctions,while stressing the application of the crime of infringing citizens’personal information,attention should also be paid to the causes of criminalization,including the processing of anonymized information,the informed consent of users,the processing of open information,and the maintenance of public interests.

Key words: APP, crime of infringing personal information, informed consent, personal information protection, illegal acquisition, criminal law regulation
