江汉大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 51-54.doi: 10.16389/j.cnki.cn42-1737/n.2020.01.007

• 医学 • 上一篇    下一篇

POEMS 综合征1 例并文献复习


  1. 1. 江汉大学 医学院,湖北 武汉 430056;2. 武汉市第一医院 血液内科,湖北 武汉 430022
  • 发布日期:2020-01-20
  • 通讯作者: 邹亮
  • 作者简介:李小利(1992— ),女,硕士生,研究方向:老年医学。

One Case of POEMS Syndrome and Literature Review

LI Xiaoli1,ZOU Liang*2   

  1. 1. School of Medicine,Jianghan University,Wuhan 430056,Hubei,China;2. Department of Hematopathology,Wuhan No.1 Hospital,Wuhan 430022,Hubei,China
  • Published:2020-01-20
  • Contact: ZOU Liang

摘要: 目 的 探讨POEMS 综合征的临床表现以及诊治思路。方 法 报道1 例POEMS 综合征患者的临床表现、实验室检查、诊断及治疗方法,并结合文献进行复习。结 果 患者有双下肢麻木、M蛋白、硬化性骨病变、血清VEGF 增高、脾大、多浆膜腔积液、性激素改变、皮肤色素沉着、指甲苍白等表现,符合POEMS 综合征的诊断标准。患者使用硼替佐米联合地塞米松治疗方案取得良好效果。结 论 POEMS 综合征的误诊率和漏诊率高,目前尚无统一的治疗方案,早期诊断对提高患者的生存率及生活质量很重要。

关键词: POEMS 综合征, 多发性周围神经病变, 血清VEGF, 硼替佐米, 病例报道

Abstract: ObjectiveTo explore the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of POEMS syndrome. Methods The clinical manifestation,laboratory examination,diagnosis and treatment of patients with POEMS syndrome were reported and reviewed in literature. Results The patient had bilateral legs numbness, M protein, sclerosing bone disease,elevated serum VEGF,splenomegaly,multiple serous effusion,changes in sex hormones,skin pigmentation,and pale nails,which met the diagnostic criteria of POEMS syndrome. The patient achieved good results with the treatment regimen of bortezomib combined with dexamethasone. Conclusion The misdiagnosis rate and missed diagnosis rate of POEMS syndrome are high. There is no uniform treatment plan at present. Early diagnosis is important to improve the survival rate and quality of life of the patients.

Key words: POEMS syndrome, multiple peripheral neuropathy, serum VEGF, bortezomib, case report
