JOURNAL OF JIANGHAN UNIVERSITY (Social Science Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 111-120.doi: 10.16387/j.cnki.42-1867/c.2024.06.011

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Pattern,Attribution,Diagnosis and Treatment:AThree-dimensional Re-view of Contemporary Youth’sOnline Cultural Consumption

WANG Zhenjie   

  1. Teaching and Research Department of Scientific Socialism,Party School of CPC Henan Provincial Committee, Zhengzhou Henan 451000
  • Received:2024-09-10 Online:2024-12-28 Published:2025-01-03

Abstract: The online culture consumption of contemporary Chinese youth is deeply rooted in the fertile civilization of Xi Jinping cultural thought,absorbing the excellent achievements of Xi’s cultural thought and displaying the remarkable quality of civilization. In the vision of Xi’scultural thought,the modern network field provides a broad space for developing cultural consumption where media technology iterates in line with the characteristics of contemporary youth;in the field, multivariate patterns of consumption behaviors have derived,such as individuation,integration,and symbolization. However,the diversified patterns of online culture consumption behavior weaken the guiding power of mainstream ideology in the network space;they highlight the value nihilism of network culture consumption and mask the true self-cognition of contemporary youth. To address this problem in the cyberspace,mainstream ideologies should have the right of discourse and play a dominant role under the guidance of Xi’scultural thought;the reinforcement of rule of law in cyberspace and the optimization of online cultural products should be implemented simultaneously;and the scientific and rational online culture consumption literacy of the contemporary youth should be cultivated so as to regulate and guide their online cultural consumption behavior.

Key words: youth; consumption of network culture; multivariate pattern; reason analysis;diagnosis and treatment strategy

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