江汉大学学报(社会科学版) ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 84-97.doi: 10.16387/j.cnki.42-1867/c.2023.04.008

• 经济理论与实践 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 江汉大学 商学院,湖北 武汉 430056
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-13 出版日期:2023-08-28 发布日期:2025-01-07
  • 作者简介:刘泉宏,男,江汉大学商学院教授,博士;唐福星,女,江汉大学商学院硕士研究生

AStudy on the Cost Control of Central Kitchen Product Distribution Based on Robust Optimization

LIU Quanhong ,TANG Fuxing   

  • Received:2023-04-13 Online:2023-08-28 Published:2025-01-07

摘要: 中央厨房因其在降低成本方面拥有独特优势而备受餐饮业关注,成为当前餐饮业转型升级的新兴发展方向,但其在产品配送成本控制上仍存在某些短板。研究基于中央厨房配送成本控制存在的问题——产品需求不确定,利用鲁棒优化理论构建中央厨房产品配送成本不确定模型,使用需求量的一阶矩和二阶矩信息量来构建模型的不确定集,再利用线性决策规则和锥优化理论对不确定集求解,并通过模拟仿真、算例分析验证模型的可用性。研究结论表明,鉴于生产成本控制的操作空间有限,企业应该更重视中央厨房的产品配送成本控制,以达到降低中央厨房运营成本的目的。当前不断变化的时代背景使产品需求不确定成为企业的风险来源,企业除了应该重视产品配送成本控制的事后分析,还应该做好事前风险预测和风险评估,及时更新风险调控方案。

关键词: 中央厨房;鲁棒优化;不确定集;产品配送;成本控制

Abstract: Central Kitchen is now a point of public interest in the catering industry because of its unique advantage in reducing cost. As an emerging development trend of the catering industry in transforming and upgrading,central kitchen has certain short slabs in the cost control of product distribution,including the uncertainty of product demand. Acost uncertainty model of central kitchen product distribution is constructed based on the robust optimization theory;the uncertainty set of the model is made up of the first moment and second moment information of demand;then the uncertainty set is solved by using the linear decision rule and the optimization theory;and the usability of the model is validated by simulation and analysis of examples. The research results show that for the limited space to control the production cost,enterprises should pay more attention to controlling the product distribution cost of the central kitchen ,so as to reduce the operation cost of central kitchen. The risk source of the enterprises is the indeterminacy of product demand in the current changing times. Besides caring about the postmortem analysis of delivery cost control,businesses should also complete risk prediction and assessment in advance,and timely renew their risk control planning.

Key words: central kitchen;robust optimization;uncertainty set;product distribution;cost control
