江汉学术 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 94-103.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2023.04.010

• 法 律 • 上一篇    


余 超,杨丽娟   

  1. 江汉大学 法学院,武汉 430056
  • 收稿日期:2022-12-26 出版日期:2023-08-15 发布日期:2023-08-01
  • 作者简介:余 超,男,湖北武汉人,江汉大学法学院讲师,博士,武汉市汉阳区五里墩街道挂职干部,E-mail:77931393@qq.com;杨丽娟,女,河北邢台人,江汉大学法学院讲师,博士,武汉市汉阳区五里墩街道挂职干部,E-mail:254062005@qq.com。

Achievement,Dilemma,and Countermeasure of the Reform of Comprehensive Administrative Enforcement Power:Based on Research in WEDZ(Hannan District)

YU Chao ,YANG Lijuan   

  • Received:2022-12-26 Online:2023-08-15 Published:2023-08-01

摘要: 综合行政执法权下沉改革是新时代全面依法治国中国家治理体系、治理能力建设的关键环节,武汉作为中部地区国家中心城市,在此方面的探索经验具有典型性、示范性意义。对武汉经济技术开发区(汉南区)综合行政执法权下沉实施现状进行实地调研,以街道办事处及下属综合执法中心为依托,借助集中座谈、广泛走访等形式,可以发现该区乃至全市当前在此改革中,还存有以体制机制的构建完善、执法队伍的能力建设、法律法规的依据缺失为表征的结构性障碍、现实性困境问题,亟待进一步解决和改进。针对以上问题,可从结构主义理论出发,着力从表层上建立统筹协调机构、建构权力平衡关系,中层上加强权力清单监督、完善执法能力培训,深层上强化地方立法、夯实法治基础三方面入手找寻破解之策。

关键词: 综合行政执法, 综合执法权, 执法权下沉, 结构主义

Abstract: By means of fixing the original position,the veil of ignorance,and reflective equilibrium,John Rawls thinks reasonable and self-centered citizens can sacrifice their own particularity,probability,and tendency to objectively choose a principle of justice acceptable to all,and that such a principle of justice is free from the special restrictions of types of social system. However,in the theoretical framework of Marxist critique of political economy,justice is forged by the productive relationship of a specific social formation;there is no universally effective conception of justice and a principle of justice adaptable to multiple social development stages is illusive. Marx is against the transcendental conception of justice that is rooted in absolutism. The Analytical Marxism does not break away from this conception and fail to understand that the idea of justice has only the instrumental value to serve a certain historical stage.

Key words: abstract justice, principle of justice, idea of justice, transcendental position, historical materialism
