江汉学术 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 120-128.doi: 10.16388/j.cnki.cn42-1843/c.2020.05.012

• 政治 • 上一篇    



  1. 吉林大学 哲学社会学院,长春 130012
  • 收稿日期:2019-12-11 出版日期:2020-10-15 发布日期:2020-08-03
  • 作者简介:郝志昌,男,河南孟州人,吉林大学哲学社会学院博士生。
  • 基金资助:

From the Thought of Capital Logic to the Thought of Life Politics:Renewal and Development of Criticism Paradigm of Civil Society

HAO Zhichang   

  1. Shool of Philosophy and Sociology,Jilin University,Changchun 130012
  • Received:2019-12-11 Online:2020-10-15 Published:2020-08-03

摘要: 以往对市民社会的考量,依赖于资本逻辑。面对今天的现实,市民社会呈现出生命政治的新形态,这使得以往对市民社会的既有解释在批判现实的课题面前显得不足。因此,从当下现实出发考量市民社会,生命政治的视角就成为切中肯綮的关键因素。首先,当代市民社会的生命政治新形态的获得,建基于传统的市民社会形态之上,市民社会的既有形态构成了当代市民社会新生形态的逻辑基础。其次,传统的市民社会形态寄生并依赖于资本逻辑,但资本逻辑在其发展过程中逐渐以生命政治的面相出现,作为结果,市民社会形态也随之改变。资本逻辑转向生命政治,构成了当代市民社会新生形态的根本力量。最后,由于资本逻辑表现为生命政治的治理,当代市民社会开始力图在生命中取得居留之所,并围绕生命本身进行逻辑架构,作为被架构的结果,生命本身开始遭受了权力的算计与殖民。有鉴于此,从生命政治出发对当下市民社会作重新考量就显得非常必要。

关键词: 市民社会, 生命政治, 资本逻辑, 赤裸生命, 神圣人

Abstract: In the past,the consideration of civil society relied on capital logic. In the face of today’s reality,the civil society has taken a new form of life politics,which makes the existing interpretation of civil society formed in the past appear inadequate in criticizing reality. Therefore,to examine the civil society from the current reality,the perspective of life politics has become the key factor to the point.Firstly,the acquisition of the new form of contemporary civil society is based on the traditional form of civil society. The existing form of civil society constitutes the logical basis of the new form of contemporary civil society. Secondly,the traditional form of civil society parasitized and depended on the capital logic,but the capital logic gradually appears in the look of life politics in its development process;as a result,the form of civil society has also changed. The shift of capital logic to life politics constitutes the fundamental force of the new form of contemporary civil society. Finally,because capital logic is manifested in the governance of life politics,contemporary civil society begins to strive for a place of residence in life and builds a logical structure around life itself. As the result of being constructed,life itself begins to suffer from the calculation and colonization of power. In view of this,it is necessary to reconsider the current civil society from the perspective of life politics.

Key words: civil society, life politics, capital logic, naked life, Saints
